Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Post

This lesson plan is designed to tackle several areas of music appreciation. The class should have already be fluent in standard notation and have discussed the many elements of baroque music, such as voice leading, counterpoint, cadences, non-chord tones.

Row 1: Access

To begin, the lesson focuses on class discussion on the nature of the composing in the Baroque era and the potential difficulties of mass producing music without the aid of modern technology or printing presses, specifically addressing the monotony involved with creating both a conductors score which covers all the parts of the composition, as well as the scribing of each individual parts while also accounting for clef changes and transpositions. (NJCCCS 1.4.8.A.7 Analyze the form, function, craftsmanship, and originality of representative works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art.)

Row 2: Analyze

The students are encouraged to work in groups as they navigate a nearly blank Bach Chorale. Supplied for the students is a chorale worksheet on Sibelius for them to fill in. Most of the chords in the chorale have been left blank, leaving ample room for innovation on behalf of the students, and ensuring that each student or group creates a composition that is fully unique in its own right. (1.1.5.B.2 Demonstrate the basic concepts of meter, rhythm, tonality, intervals, chords, and melodic and harmonic progressions, and differentiate basic structures.NET-S 2.D contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. 1.1.8.B.1 Analyze the application of the elements of music in diverse Western and non-Western musical works from different historical eras using active listening and by reading and interpreting written scores.NETS-S 6.A understand and use technology systems. NETS-S 6.B select and use applications effectively and productively.)

Row 3: Produce

Following the completion of the chorale, the students will be asked to open a new score. This new score will be set up for a string quartet. The class will again discuss how Bach primarily wrote for keyboard then individually transcribed his compositions for other instruments. As a class, we will do the same – however, we will be aided by modern technology. (1.1.12. B.2 Synthesize knowledge of the elements of music in the deconstruction and performance of complex musical scores from diverse cultural contexts. NET-S 1.B Create original works as a means of personal or group expression. NET-S 2.A interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. NETS-S 2.D contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. NETS-S 6.A understand and use technology systems. NETS-S 6.B select and use applications effectively and productively.)

Row 4: Communicate

Finally, each group/individual will create one final score: a Wind ensemble of their design containing 4 instruments. The students will copy their previous parts to these new systems, creating their own arrangement of the Chorale. Using the playback feature of Sibelius, each group/individual will play their arrangement for the class and explain their choices for musical instruments. (1.4.8.B.1 Evaluate the effectiveness of a work of art by differentiating between the artist’s technical proficiency and the work’s content or form.)

I admit that I struggled with this assignment. Music is an odd subject in school. It already uses some technology (the instruments themselves) and focuses on self-reflection and improvement. It is, in a sense, a course on philosophy. For the overwhelming majority, music will not be the primary focus of their careers. Rather, the lessons learned in music must overreach into life lessons for the class to maintain its educational value, and music innately accomplishes this. The focus on self-improvement and active observation branches into every aspect of professionalism, and technology is not the greatest tool to accomplish this goal. At the same time, the availability of the internet and other digital technology makes it far more possible to self-educate in a way never seen before in human history.  For the music teacher, this leaves very few technologies which lend themselves to the smaller focus of music. Additionally, many of these existing technologies are very expensive, and compete in the school budget against more fundamental costs such as new instruments, uniforms, annual repairs, competition entrance fees, etc… With budgets stretched as thin as they are, the only way  the most beneficial programs are chosen is by their expense – Making it highly unlikely that many schools will have full access.

Online Classes... Are Bad!

And that's not a slight against the professors (I can haz gud grade?) It's just research. The impersonal nature of the courses detract from their content. Moreover, they lack the personal connection between students. Think about it. How much easier is it to insult someone online? Why is the internet the hot button on issues like cyber-bullying and scandal? It's not just how unbelievably impersonal it is, it's also because we don't tend to view people (especially those we haven't personally met) as people. We view them as extensions of their avatars, we  REMIND ourselves that they are real, rather than vice versa.

It's not surprising that the issues about the internet in education are so hotly contested. It's obviosly a great tool to improve access to higher education.The ease and degree in which information can be spread via the web is virtually infinite. But what is lost? And is that altruism the only factor? What is the different between being taught by an "invisible" professor over a well programmed AI bot?

Well, what IS the difference between a teacher and an AI bot? The obvious answer is that there IS a professor guiding the class, and there is access to that professor. Also, at allows subjectivity and feedback from assessment forms. But that fact that the professor is not "present" in an online course has loads of implications.

For one, the classes have a much, much higher failure rate than traditional courses. But moreover, good education requires dialogue between class and teacher. This is severely diminished in an online course, unless that course is taught via Skype or other streaming video where there is a formal schedule. Even then, the the back and forth that spurs debate and discussion is forced to the backseat in favor of much more one-sided education. Education that, if we follow what we have been taught in the Education department of Montclair State University, is severely diminished. Online education, by nature of its social disconnect, is content driven. It becomes, in my opinion, a glorified lecture series without the benefit of seeing the expression of the lecturer's face, or interpreting their vocal inflections.

Is altruism the main reason for online education? I would argue no. And my evidence is your bill (which you can find by logging in here). The university does not have to pay for the electricity of your home computer. There is no "class size limit" set by a fire code. No classroom to maintain. No overhead to pay, other than the salaries of the professors and the tech crew that already maintain the MSU Website. No parking lot or dorm rooms needed to cater toward the needs of students. It is unquestionably cheaper to teach online than in a classroom. So why then is the class the same price as a "traditional" classroom course? The answer is of course, the profit motive. An entire dissertation could be written as to the ethics of the profit motive in education, so I will leave that to be debated. Perhaps here! (leave a comment!)

This is not a slight against this professor. I just wanted to close the semester with a debate on something I'm sure many of us were thinking. I just wanted to open the door and provide some information regarding the continued debate as to the benefits and ethics of online education.

Personally, I would never want to teach an online course. I feel as if it would relegate me to a position as lecturer, curriculum designer, and professional grader. A teacher is much, much more than that.

School in Norway - #1 in the world

In the US, cumpulsory schooling starts at between ages 5 and 8 (depending on state) and continues to ages 16-18 (again, depending on state). Norway starts a age 6 and ends at age 16 nationally, and leads the world rankings. But why? Is there a "magic bullet" to fix American education? Not according to them! It's a process that starts with a national commitment to education, and teacher autonomy. Did I mention Norway is 100% unionized?

My summer project: Custom Music Ed Wiki!

So a friend of mine pointed me to this site where you can create your own custom wiki. How fantastic is that as a resource for education? I have nothing more to say other than, take a look and abuse this resource!

Wikipedia as a source

So we all use it. Our professors use it. why is wikipedia still taboo in education? Understandably it is not a scholarly source for your doctoral dissertation, but for the average assignment, why is this tool still so looked down upon?

"Ranking teachers"

So these were released. The state evaluations on teachers were made public despite many thinking it was a terrible idea to release them. Why would you not want to release data? Is it because it undermines the collaborative nature of teaching? Is it because creating competition between teachers is a bad thing for students? Nah. It's because the results of the rankings have a margin of error between 33% and 53%! Fifty-three percent.

That's not even in the ballpark of accurate. Yet, they're still released, and the plan is still to use these numbers as a basis to develop merit pay. Can anyone tell me on what planet this makes sense?


This is another RSA animate discussing the research about merit pay. It's more than worth a look. The simple fact that we see more and more pushed for this paradigm is incredible.


I managed to watch Bully a few weeks ago, and was pretty blown away. Going off my last post about recording in schools, this movie makes a strong case for the protection of the students. Even WITH the cameras running, what these kids endured was despicable. I can scarcely imagine what they deal with when the cameras are off... Actually. No, I can relate. I'm going to share a story.

Last semester I was required to write an autobiography. It's a bit on the personal side, but whatever. My life is an open book. It's a little on the long side, but this movie really reminded me about much of it.

                "I remember my last day of high school. As I approached the large green doors that led into the hallways of Paramus Catholic, I could feel the hesitation of the coming day overflowing the emotional barriers I had long since erected in my mind. Looking through the windows I could see the other students’ excitement as they marched down halls dressed in their tacky green and blue uniforms. It was as if all the nervousness the school’s walls were capable of holding was absent from the classrooms and had taken residence in my stomach. I suppose anxiety is a normal reaction to one’s last day of school, but that assumption is based on the standard closing event of the average person’s secondary school - an event I would not experience that day or any other. Unlike most students who end their high school careers in the summer months of their senior year and celebrate it by partying with friends and family, I was entering Paramus Catholic on the Halloween of my freshman year. This was not my graduation day. It was not a day filled with lavish parties or overwhelming pride; it was the day I dropped out of school.
                The bullying began in kindergarten. I’m still not sure why exactly; the fragmented memory of a five year old boy is hardly the best log for any critical events that may have opened to door to my torments. If I were forced to guess however, it was the enormous size of my ears that drew the unwanted attention of any young alphas that may have been eager to establish their social superiority. It was in that small classroom in the south-east corner of St. John the Evangelist school that the snowball of my educational agony began to roll downhill.
                Compounding the issue, my father bought a vacation home in the summer of 1985. Though it was initially built as his retirement home and summer vacation getaway, it quickly became a weekend getaway location. From 1985 until 1991 my family visited our “vacation home” every single weekend and vacation period. The slow pace of life in such a rural area was torture for my sister and I. There was little to do, and fewer places to go. A weekend now seems short, but a child’s sense of time is an interesting thing. Time moves slowly for the young minutes feel like hours and days feel like weeks when there is so little to do.  However, the most insufferable aspect of having a weekend home are the opportunities that require weekends to enjoy. Things like sports, boy-scouts, trips with friends – These things were absent from my childhood. While my would-be friends were socializing and taking advantage of the free time on the weekends, I was in the Poconos. Even the one activity I was allowed to do, playing piano, was not an option in the Poconos.
                What few people understand is that the average person is not continually bullied for the same reason over the course of their educational journey. In my case, the initial abuses stemmed from my physical appearance. The continued exploitation of my inequities came as a result of the social ineptitude I had been burdened with as a result of the first year of bullying. My personal retreats in kindergarten had only widened the social gap between myself and the rest of my class, and exacerbated the situation far beyond that of my introductory year of school. I had traded physical anomalies for social abnormalities. Having been ostracized as long as I was, I was actively trying to avoid being educated. From my experience, the potential of a child to learn is directly proportional to his or her ability to feel comfortable and safe in class. My academic history is teeming with uncomfortable experiences filled with anxiety and uneasiness. This extreme discomfort in the classroom was the primary reason behind my lifelong struggle with truancy.
It would not be until fourth grade that a teacher would finally catch the students in the act of bullying me. I don’t recall what I did or did not do, but I do remember being lowered head first into a garbage can by two of the other students from my class. They were laughing as they held my ankles and lowered me into the basket. I only wish I could have seen the terrified looks on their face as the teacher returned to the room just in time to see me descend into the garbage can. The school policy of punishing all students involved in a bullying incident only added to the irony of my life as I was also reprimanded. I believe this was the event which began eroding my faith in the education system.
From then on, school was a caustic wasteland slowly corroding my emotional foundations. By sixth grade any of the childish naivety that I had sworn to maintain like a perpetual lost boy had been replaced by my harsh cynicism of an education paradigm that was either incapable or unwilling to address my problems. In my experience, the social Darwinism which existed in the classrooms was not limited to the student population; it extended to the administrative offices which were far more concerned with outward appearances than internal success. Those students who were emotionally stable and surrounded by friends would excel. The rest of us were forgotten.
Having been truant for years, the school insisted I be tested for any mental deficiencies. Several doctors later, I was diagnosed as having ADHD and placed on Ritalin. My first experiences with the little yellow pill were traumatic at best. What should have mellowed out my manic states of extreme education-related anxiety only exacerbated them. I was emotionally heightened in my aversion to schools and the medicine seemed to do no good. Upon consulting with the doctor, we were told to increase the dosage. Within 6 months I had gone from 5milligrams a day to 60 milligrams a day, and had only gotten worse. It would not be until several years later before we learned that Ritalin had the opposite effect for anyone misdiagnosed. Instead of being a “downer” to mellow out a patient, it becomes an “upper” similar to cocaine. By the end of sixth grade, everyone in my family and all of the few friends I had made had become afraid me and my bipolar side effects of the medication. The sheer embarrassment of the ordeal left me very uncomfortable returning to that school and once again I changed.  The damage however, had already been done. I had lost an important year of social development.
When the bullying followed into high school, I decided I was out. I had had enough of the system and its students. On Halloween, after being singled out and made fun of yet again, I left school and never returned. For the next few years I enrolled in Catholic home schooling and eventually obtained my GED and was accepted to college. Accomplished as I should feel given the journey, there are some regrets I still feel and some effects that have lingered on long into my adulthood.
At the same time as I rebelled against school, I rebelled against my father and our “vacation home.” I began to refuse to go to the Poconos anymore and was determined to build the social life I had missed all those years growing up. My second home became my local parish. Having grown up in a religious family I felt very connected to the church and spent an inordinate amount of time there.  It was during this time that I met one of my best friends of that era of my life, Valerie.
                In the summer following what would have been my freshman year, Valerie invited me to come with her and audition for a summer musical. Guys & Dolls reignited my love for music, a feeling I hadn’t had since 2nd grade. I began singing every day and found the first real solace of my adolescence. That musical passion would spread to the guitar and bass, and would ultimately redefine me and my direction in life. By the time I was 18 I had performed in over 10 shows and even sung in a professional opera. I had played in bands, made some friends, and come to terms with what I was meant to do.
                At the age of seventeen I began singing with a local choir. Their director, Lawrence Constance, took me under his wing and offered me free vocal lessons to prepare for a college audition. By this point I was sure of what I wanted to do. I was determined to become a music teacher. For 3 months Mr. Constance and I worked on my first ever foreign language solo songs and arias. And with his help, I was lucky enough to be accepted to Montclair State University as a Music Education major with a concentration in voice. I was very excited to go to college, it was the first educational accomplishment I was every truly proud of. However, I had no idea what it would be like.
Having been socially maladjusted all these years, college was a serious challenge. It was, in effect, my high school. I was years behind everyone else in terms of social skills, making the transition extremely difficult.  As my classmates threw parties and instinctively understood basic body language and social signals, I felt alien and alone. I was lucky enough to make a few friends, but even around them I would feel inferior. By the time I reached college, the small snowball which began to roll downhill in kindergarten was now a large enough to have its own orbit. Awkward situations seemed to gravitate towards me, and in my naivety I did not know how to respond. Approaching graduation, I eventually left college, feeling more like a recent high school graduate than an adult on the cusp of academic achievement and genuine responsibility.
I’m now thirty one years old. It took me several years of time away from school to rebuild my social skills enough feel like a confidant adult. I blame no one for the unorthodox and profoundly uncomfortable journey of my academic life. However, I do often wonder what might have been if things had been different. If the ball had never started rolling, if I grew up with normal social skills, would have been more successful? Would I be a happier person? But the most important question still remains, will these accomplishments I am now nearing fill me with far greater pride knowing the price I will have paid for them? Only time will tell."

Watch the movie. Look for the signs. And when you get into the classroom, don't pass judgement on a bullying incident on the spot. Find out what really happened.

Teacher recorded bullying student

You may have all heard about this a couple weeks ago, but it's worth a bit more discussion I think. Rather tan discuss bullying, which is something I pay to talk about separately, I'd rather discuss the ethics of recording in a school.

No-one wants big brother watching, and I fully understand that. But schools are public buildings. As a teacher, I'd actually feel MORE comfortable, not less, if I was recorded in class. MY worry would be cherry-picked words or phrases taken out of context, but with the device recording constantly, contest could easily established. It would go a long way towards protecting both student and teacher.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. I spend an inordinate amount of time in New York City, and I tend to listen to NPR pretty regularly. Daily in fact. Over the past few months there have been several teachers in NYC brought up on charges for, shall we say, "inappropriate relationships" with their respective students. I have no intention on speculating on their guilt, but I find myself now really judging both sides of issue. What if one of the accusations is false? How much damage did that really do? Whether or not the teacher is guilty (again, no speculation here), his career is over the second the accusation came out. That kinda terrifies me.

Could my career, or any of ours for that matter, instantly end at the whim of a slighted or attention seeking student?

Of course the argument can rightfully be made that such situations are extremely rare, but rare =/= non existent. Years ago, when I was still a churchgoing uber-catholic, I knew a priest in a nearby parish who was accused of inappropriate contact with one of the alter servers. Disgusting really. But what is your first, most visceral reaction to that accusation? It's outrage, and rightfully so. Your first instincts are to protect the youth. And that's exactly what happened. The church got inundated with hate mail and threats, as did the priest. There was a full on police investigation...

...Once the pressure turned on, the kid recanted. He was mad at being passed over for an honor in the parish, and immaturely lashed out with the accusation. He admitted it openly. But damage done. Career over, respect lost.

Would cameras prevent these things from happening? Probably not. People with that compulsion are pathological. But would there be any benefit from it? Is it ethical? Would you want it in your classroom?
I've been on a music tech kick lately. I finally dropped the money and bought a copy of Sibelius 7. Wow. What a difference from the previous version. There's a few issues with it though - For one the line on the playback is never in sync with the music, and a lot of the tools that were once immediately on the screen are now tucked away in the ribbon a la MS Office. It's quite different from Finale, but I still find it to be a better program. Do any other music majors have any experience with these that could offer any insight?

Also, if you want an educators discount on Sibelius 7, you can get on by simply buying the ed version and submitting a copy of your student ID and a bill or something from the school to show that you're currently enrolled. Drops the price from $600 to $295. Totally worth it!
I stumbled across this a while back, never got a chance to post it. But please take a look at it. It really highlights a lot about education and the system we're working in, as well as the fundamental problems with it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Interactivity #5

We’ll call her Mrs. Smith. She teaches music in Peekskill, New York. I contacted Mrs. Smith through a mutual friend in the area, and she agreed to talk with me about her district. Not surprisingly, Mrs. Smith has heard little about NETS, so I sent her a link to and began my interview.

I started by asking Mrs. Smith about the use of technology in her own classroom. Did she know if her school met any of the NETS standards without realizing it? Surprisingly, she had. Several years ago, her school began a program using Garage Band – a computer program by Apple which allows users to record, mix, and compose their own music using existing sound samples, MIDI interfaces, or live recording. Although she did not teach that particular class herself,  she was familiar enough with it to elaborate.

Students at her school are offered the chance to use Garage Band as a “general music” class as an optional replacement for traditional performance classes such as choir or band. The students begin by learning the basics of sound mixing, using the sound samples provided with the software. They are taught to copy, paste, loop, master, mix, and equalize each of the tracks within the interface. Over the course of the class, the students also learn how to input new sounds into the computer through a MIDI interface, as well as basic recording techniques for live musicians. Their final project is to create a 3 minute audio recording using looped samples, MIDI input, and a recorded vocal track – either sung or spoken.

When I asked Mrs. Smith about the rest of the school, she had no idea. As a “special area” teacher, she explained that there was a disconnect between her department and the rest of the school. In part, this was based on pull-out lessons, and the stress this put on other core subject teachers in math and English.
It’s not surprising to me that NETS is an unfamiliar area for music teachers. Technology has only recently become affordable enough to become useful in the subject area. Prior to the availability of inexpensive technology like digital recording, classes like this would be unthinkable. Hardware alone would take up an entire room, not to mention the expense.  The fact that music technology has finally progressed enough to exist on a home computer is what allows these standards to even be approached today.

It’s hard to imagine, given the current social trends, that technology would not be considered an important tool, even in music education. And the speed at which technology progresses strongly implies that there should be little trouble bringing up these standards with administrators. In fact, I would assume that by the time I graduate and get a teaching job, schools should have at least started to address the NETS-S and NETS-T standards. This is only speculation though.

To be honest, as interesting it was to speak with a teacher about this, I think it would have been far more interesting to interview an administrator. I would assume they would have a far better understanding on how their school was functioning under this standards over several departments.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interactivity #4

While most lesson plans I looked at tended to use technology as a primary medium for teaching, this struck a fair balance between actual instruction and the use of computer technology. As opposed to simply sitting a student in front of a computer and simply following the online instructions, this lesson actively engages the class, breaking it into small groups to analyze the musical elements of the Baroque era.

The plan itself, written by Melanie Shaw, is a complete plan. It contains every element necessary for a 50min long lesson for grades 4 – 6. Its anticipatory set engages the student, introducing them not only to Baroque music, but also to the art and ideologies of the era. Following this, students have an opportunity to listen to and discuss the pieces in small groups or pairs. With the use of Excel for students to create a spreadsheet, the students can analyze the aspects of Baroque music and observe them in a very visual way – A rare opportunity for an art which centers around aural aesthetics instead of visual.

Although none of the digital technology is “absolutely necessary” (tapes can be used in lieu of digital recorders, pencil and paper graphs can be substituted for Excel, and digital projectors can be replaced by overhead projectors), the technologies vastly enhance the learning experience for the students as well as the quality of the listening examples. Although, with the exception of music recording or computer composition, technology is rarely “essential”, its inclusion simplifies many aspects of the music education. In the case of this lesson plan it improves the quality of the lsson and also familiarizes students with the capabilities of digital media. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

All in all, I don’t find a single technology on this list that would not prove useful in a classroom today. Some may be highly focused on areas that may not be apt for lesson plans, but as a tool for the teacher they are incredible time and budget savers. Take Finale for instance. This program, which albeit requires a decent capital, drastically reduces the budgetary needs of a marching band. It also gives the teacher far more immediate control over the individual needs of the ensemble on the field.
Most of the technology for music education today revolves around composing and recording. What was once a pen and paper activity that required a room full of musicians for playback can now be done by one student and a pair of headphones. The new technologies drastically improve the learning experiences of students and give them an opportunity to instantly critique their own work.
The list as a whole not only covers the overwhelming majority of technological needs I may have as a teacher, but also provides alternatives to cover any budgetary or compatibility needs (such as PC vs. Mac) that I may have. There are several music recording programs mentioned, each with a different cost and with different programming – offering options based on the computers provided by the school. There are even programs listed for Aural Skills training, something far too rare yet all too important.

Friday, January 27, 2012

1st Post

So, here we go. Online class requires me to blog, therefore I blog.