Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Online Classes... Are Bad!

And that's not a slight against the professors (I can haz gud grade?) It's just research. The impersonal nature of the courses detract from their content. Moreover, they lack the personal connection between students. Think about it. How much easier is it to insult someone online? Why is the internet the hot button on issues like cyber-bullying and scandal? It's not just how unbelievably impersonal it is, it's also because we don't tend to view people (especially those we haven't personally met) as people. We view them as extensions of their avatars, we  REMIND ourselves that they are real, rather than vice versa.

It's not surprising that the issues about the internet in education are so hotly contested. It's obviosly a great tool to improve access to higher education.The ease and degree in which information can be spread via the web is virtually infinite. But what is lost? And is that altruism the only factor? What is the different between being taught by an "invisible" professor over a well programmed AI bot?

Well, what IS the difference between a teacher and an AI bot? The obvious answer is that there IS a professor guiding the class, and there is access to that professor. Also, at allows subjectivity and feedback from assessment forms. But that fact that the professor is not "present" in an online course has loads of implications.

For one, the classes have a much, much higher failure rate than traditional courses. But moreover, good education requires dialogue between class and teacher. This is severely diminished in an online course, unless that course is taught via Skype or other streaming video where there is a formal schedule. Even then, the the back and forth that spurs debate and discussion is forced to the backseat in favor of much more one-sided education. Education that, if we follow what we have been taught in the Education department of Montclair State University, is severely diminished. Online education, by nature of its social disconnect, is content driven. It becomes, in my opinion, a glorified lecture series without the benefit of seeing the expression of the lecturer's face, or interpreting their vocal inflections.

Is altruism the main reason for online education? I would argue no. And my evidence is your bill (which you can find by logging in here). The university does not have to pay for the electricity of your home computer. There is no "class size limit" set by a fire code. No classroom to maintain. No overhead to pay, other than the salaries of the professors and the tech crew that already maintain the MSU Website. No parking lot or dorm rooms needed to cater toward the needs of students. It is unquestionably cheaper to teach online than in a classroom. So why then is the class the same price as a "traditional" classroom course? The answer is of course, the profit motive. An entire dissertation could be written as to the ethics of the profit motive in education, so I will leave that to be debated. Perhaps here! (leave a comment!)

This is not a slight against this professor. I just wanted to close the semester with a debate on something I'm sure many of us were thinking. I just wanted to open the door and provide some information regarding the continued debate as to the benefits and ethics of online education.

Personally, I would never want to teach an online course. I feel as if it would relegate me to a position as lecturer, curriculum designer, and professional grader. A teacher is much, much more than that.


  1. Well said, Bryan! And it looks like you learned quite a bit, despite all the negatives of the online course experience. Perhaps learning occurs in a variety of forms and formats.

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